Don't you know how to choose the right hook for your fish? Read the next lines, this is the Guide to choose the carp fishing hook!
The frames, and more particularly the terminals, are among the most discussed topics among the carpists. After all, it is not difficult to understand why: From what we attack at the end of the line the result of our fish depends.
AND hook, in this sense, It is the most important element Because it is the accessory that allows us to "make our" prey to us: if I love it, it breaks because it is undersized, or if we are wrong the relationship between this and the bait, the result is the so -called "coat".
We will try to dissect the topic starting from Presentation of the elements that "describe" a hook, so that the neophyte can buy the product by knowing all the characteristics on the market well, and then described How to choose the Hook based on the bait And finally, do practical examples in which many fishermen can recognize themselves.
The fundamental elements

Generally, to describe a hook they are used Some points of reference which, compared, allow us to distinguish one model from the other. These are these:
- Eyelet: it is the "upper part", that is, the point where the knot to join the line to the UNCINO itself is made;
- Stem (or back): in English "Shank", it is the trait that goes from the eyelet at the beginning of the uncertain;
- Curve: it is the one that gives the actual form to the hook, or the "fold" of the metal;
- Tip;
- Ardiglione: small metal "mustache" that allows the hook to fix itself in the mouth of the prey. Some models of hook are "bartess", that is, without ardiglione;
- Throat: it is the area that is formed if we pull a hypothetical line in the right line between the tip and the back of the hook;
- Row: it is the thickness of the metal with which the hook is made;
- Section: it is the shape of the metal wire with which the hook is made;
- Color: the loves from Carp Fishing are generally not "naked" but are covered with special paints that make them opaque. And the color can also change to increase the camouflage effect on the backdrop;
We now analyze one by one, the elements and variants of the same that we find on the market.

The first hooks from Carp Fishing had the eyelet in line with the hook's back, and were defined as "straight eyelet". The evolution of the technique over the years and some specific needs have led to Three well defined categories.
I love straight eyelet: a "classic" that never sets, with the eyelet in a perfect line with the back. For those who start it is the ideal hook because it allows us to do everything, from simple to more complex stars (in which we can change the shape of the hook with silicone and thermorestringnecent tubes). Dutch hooks can present different shapes, based on the length of the back and the curve;
I love eyelets facing the inside: They are among the most used because the eyelet folded towards the tip favors the rotation of the tip towards the bottom when the fish aspires the bait. The models differ in the degree of the fold: it generally passes from 5 degrees up to a maximum of 15;
I love eyelets facing outwards: are used only in particular conditions, or when they use fluorocarbon terminals or when you want to make the chod rigs. In fact, from the point of view of the tiller, I hook to the eyelet facing outwards acquires effectiveness only if "helped" by a rigid terminal.

Also in this case we can simplify the explanation by resorting to three categories:
Short stem: Between the tip and eyelet the space is very little. Carp Fishing models with this type of back are used only to make specific rigs;Medium stem: the most used because they are more versatile. They can be used both for finals with fixed hair rig and for finals with hair row mounted on a sliding ring;
Long stem: in English, "Long Shank"; They are very particular loves that have the advantage of "turning" very quickly as soon as the fish aspires the bait, but have the weakness in the estate during the fight.
Difficult to catalog all types of curve available on the market. The curve of the hook it is close to the stem And throat: In fact, it is thanks to the curve if the hook has a certain "form".
For example, one narrow curve it is always Related to a long stem and to a shallow throat (the so -called "long shank" hooks that we have described a few lines ago), while one wide curve has more to do with short stem hooks And with a deep throat.
Small note: on the market there are you love from the "squared" curve, used in those situations where the speed of rotation and taken in the mouth of the fish must be absolute.

Decisive, why This is what the fish makes us "inconcription". Given that we have to check it before each launch, on the market we find AMI with very different tips.
There are Ami in Punta Dritta, which are the most widespread and "allround", e hooks with tip bent inward, generally combined a medium stem and an eyelet facing the inside.
With regard to the section, even in this case there are differences: if we look at the tip of the loan in profile we can realize that Not all are perfectly round, but some have a flat section and others with "knife blade", with a small protrusion that makes penetration even more "deadly".

The bigger it is, the better the grip in the mouth of the fish. But, at the same time, A big ardiglione reduces penetrating power of the hook.
In a technique in which the fish "binds alone" is fundamental that the hook penetrates as quickly as possible. That's why most carp fishing hooks have a small, or even micro (MB - micro barb).
The Ami Barbless they do not have the ardiglione and, in some commercials of Fishing For a fee, they are becoming mandatory because they do less damage to the mouth of the fish and above all, in the event of a pitch of the prey in the obstacles, this can be freed much more easily.
If we use you love without ardiglione The secret is only one: in combat, maintain constant traction of the wire, from the wet ferrale.
Strictly related to the stem and the shape is the throat. There are Wide throat loves, who are chosen by carpists who want a hook What to take "immediately" in the mouth of the fish, e you love tight throat, which, compared to the former, are a little more solid.
With the same thread of the hook, the more wide the throat the more the hook is weak, especially if, to penetrate the mouth of the fish, it is only the tip.
In fact, a strong lever is created that can be downloaded between the tip and curve of the hook, and this can lead to the breakdown of the hook. However, a hook with a deep throat well planted in the mouth of the fish is practically "insured" ...

It is an aspect not too considered in Carp Fishing, so we will focus little. Just know that AMI can have a round or square section: it all depends on the "shape" of the folded metal to make the hook. From the point of view of effectiveness, there are no sensitive difference between a round flush hook and a squaded wire hook, despite the fact that there are carpists who fish exclusively with the seconds.
It has become very important in recent years. If, once, the Carp Fishing was made with "normal" hooks, that is, of polished metal, today it is no longer so. 90 percent of the hooks on the market are "Coated", that is, covered with opaque paints which eliminate the reflections of the light that slams against the metal.
This helps make the hook even more disguised on the backdrop, especially when we talk about low depths and clear waters.
Some models of hook do not stop at opacifying treatment: the paint used has shades tending to gray, green or brown to camouflage even better on the seabed.
These are "extreme" characteristics, which touch mostly carpists engaged with very difficult fish.

It is the index that tells us how powerful a hook is. The big wire loves are precisely ... big, that is, made with a metal with a higher diameter to resist remarkable efforts.
The you love thin wire instead they are made for particular uses, namely the Fishing Of very suspicious specimens that does not swallow the bait decisively.
The you love with a big wire they have as advantage the fact of guarantee exceptional estate Even when we have to force the fish a lot to pull it out of obstacles. On the other hand, they have it disadvantage of the tip, which is of course less sharp; penetration, which requires heavier leads to be successful; Of the weight itself: being bigger, they are heavier, and this can go to adversely affect the moment of the tan.
A I love thin wire "sting" better, penetrates more quickly but has, from his, the disadvantage of not having an exceptional estate to extreme efforts.
Most of the hooks from Carp Fishing on the market, however, are made on purpose to endure strong tractions.
We recommend, to those who start, to use large wire hooks exclusively if our fishing take place in large waters, with lines lowered from the boat, or if we need to quickly remove the fish with submerged obstacles.
The love-eco relationship
In addition to the situations of Fishing And to the type of frame, there is an element that is decisive, more than the first two, in the choice of the type of hook and its size.
In choosing the measure of the hook, in fact, We cannot ignore the relationship between the hook, which must sting, and the bait, who has to entice the fish to eat.
We exemplify everything with a table:
Boilie <10 millimeters-I love 6-8
Boilie between 12-16 millimeters-I love 6-4
Boilie 18-22 millimeters-I love 4-2
Boilie> 22 millimeters-I love 2-1/0
Why are the bait and the size of the hook?
The reason is called "shadow", And that's the situation in which The bait is too big, and with its mass prevents the hook from focusing When the carp sucks the bait.
Do we think of a 24mm Boilie, which is considered "large", with a hook of 6 (small): how can a hook so tiny, bet in the mouth of the carp if the mass of the bait in motion "covers it"? That's why, therefore, choosing the right size of the hook in relation to the bait is important.
And this is especially true when we fish with the Boilie, which are baits with a certain "mass", compared to the grenades that, in general, create smaller triggers.
Obviously, We also take into account the weight: Using a number 2 hook with a 12mm ball is not wrong, indeed, there are situations, such as the Fishing Close to obstacles, in which a hook of this type is "mandatory".
However, we keep in mind that a hook number 2 is very heavy and this, at the time of the aspiration of the bait, can turn into an unnatural movement of the trigger, therefore into an element of alarm for fish in the pasture.
Practical examples
"I pees especially in not very pressed quarries, I am now starting to become familiar with Carp Fishing" -Choose a medium stem hook, with a straight tip, medium-ampoule throat and linear eyelet or just facing the inside. The size varies according to the bait and the type of prey, as well as by the environment. With a hook of this type you can make the without a node, or the basic junction of Carp Fishing, and all its complex variants.
"I peek in very pressed and difficult quarries, where few departures are made" - The password is: all at least. So, also a size of the hook (and the bait): in these cases a fine, light, coated hook and very pointed is what we need. The carp taken too often, in fact, are used to eating gently. A light hook enters faster in the mouth of the fish and, being fine -wire, has one that "stings" better.
"My environment is the big lake, I always go hunting for big carp" - Large lake, the same big hook. It is not always the case but ... almost. In the very extensive waters you make a much more "hard" type of carp fishing, and we use very heavy leads, from 160 grams up. Zavorre too large combined with small and fine hooks almost always translate into slamate (a hook in fine wire "cuts" the fabrics of the mouth more than a big wire hook). The advice is not to go for the subtle, choosing love, solid and powerful loves.
"I peach almost exclusively in river, even in full current" - As in the previous case, you need large and battle -wire loves. Beyond the presence of obstacles, which in river are much more widespread than in fresh water, in the choice it counts so much the power of the carp, which is much greater than that of the "cousins" of firm water. A river fish swims all day in the current and is therefore very muscular. In addition, once attempted, he will try to exploit the current to make himself slam, so he will develop more traction on the hook. In the choice, the shape also counts: no love grooves too wide or too narrow, too inclined to deformation.
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