The choice of reel To be combined with the barrel It depends on the type of Carp Fishing that we usually practice.
To make the concept even easier, we must first understand If we fish exclusively from the shore, therefore to distances that can be reached with a launch ("human" measures fall within 130 meters), or if we fall the triggers with the help of a vessel or a radio -controlled boat.
These are the two elements that will mainly influence the choice.
Before seeing some practical cases, let's analyze together the various characteristics of the Carp Fishing reels that we find on the market.
The Bitrunner system
It has been, and it is still the symbol of Carp Fishing. In fact, before the advent of this English technique in our country, very few knew of these reels with the clutch unlocking system.
How it works a biitrunner? In a nutshell, it is as if we had one on the reel double clutch.
The first is the main one, or the one adjusted through the knob that we find above the coil (front clutch) or in the terminal part of the body (rear clutch) of the reel.

This regulates the transfer of thread during the stages of the combat: depending on how it is calibrated (more or less "hard"), it releases thread at the time of the escapes of the fish.
There Second clutch is precisely the biitrunner, which generally activates through one lever positioned under the "foot" of the reel.
Once the bait is launched, the rod on the Rod Pod or Sulgon, and the biitrunner is launched by lowering (or raising, in some models) the lever.
In this way we "unlock" the main clutch: that is, The fish will not meet resistance when it chains And he will run away. Thus, the so -called "departure".
Biitrunner was born precisely as an accessory to facilitate the fisherman in responding to the typical escape of the carp which, unlike the other fish, as soon as you bite moves quickly taking a lot of wire.
What happens, then, once the fish has grasped? We will hear the warning player, we will run on the rods and, once the barrel once grabbed, we will turn the branch of the reel: with this gesture the Baitrunner "closes" and the primary clutch comes into play, so we can ferry the fish, rowing with good resistance and planting the hook well in the mouth of the fish.

Thus summarize theUse of the biitrunner:
1) We launch the bait and place the rod on the Rod Pod;
2) We lower (or raise) the biitrunner lever;
3) The fish binds and takes thread, the coil turns quickly;
4) We take the rod, grab the crank and start making it turn;
5) Generally after half a lap the biitrunner closes and we will fight the fish with the primary clutch, adjusted on the seal of the thread in the coil before launch.
Having said that, we specify that some reels equipped with bitrunner also have the opportunity to adjust the tension of the secondary clutch through a second knob.
This accessory serves above all if we fish in the river, or in any case where debris in motion can get caught on the line and "take wire" from the reel.
Babine Baitrunner and quick clutch
With the continental evolution of Carp Fishing and the need, even in England, to launch more and further away, the carpists have begun to adopt surf casting reels, or the so -called big pits.

These reels, compared to the classic tools with bitrunner, are equipped with larger, large and capacious coils.
The adaptation of these reels to Carp Fishing has initially presumed to get used to a different clutch system, so -called micrometric.
To explain it in simple words, Surf casting reels are very precise And "long", that is, they use many laps of the regulatory knob to move from the maximum opening (minimal resistance) to the total closure (maximum resistance).
Thanks to the increasingly massive use by carpists, Companies have begun to modify frictions of surf casting reels creating the so -called Baitrunner Spool or "Bobine Baitrunner".
With these terms they are generally described Two types of clutch:
- Rapid clutch: simply, compared to normal reels, the clutch of these big pits closes much more quickly. To understand each other better, generally an entire ride of the regulatory knob is already enough to switch from an almost closed clutch open clutch (while, in classic surf reels, three or four are also needed);
- Clutch Baitrunner Spool: It is recognized because, in the middle of the main clutch knob, there is a wheel. Depending on the meaning in which we turn it, we can adjust the number of turns of the main knob to move from a clutch structure open to a closed clutch structure. In some models, thanks to this accessory with a single quarter of the ride we can totally close the clutch. So, once on the barrel, in a moment we will be able to put tension to the line, as if we had a bitrunner.

With or without free clutch?
This is the main question that all the carpists ask themselves who have to buy a new reel: With Baitrunner or without?
The answer cannot be univocal and The taste also comes into play of the fisherman.
THE Advantages of Bitrunner They are, without doubt, the comfort and the speed in the control of the via ferrata.
The disadvantages are linked to the presence of One more mechanism, which can be ruined and wear out over time, and to real need to make a fish "flee": who Fishing In large lakes by lowering the lines with the boat, for example, it may not need a totally open clutch, because the large distances, combined with the elasticity of the line, are enough to guarantee some space for fish before our intervention on the cane.
Certain, If we use a reel without Baitrunner we will have to be very careful In dealing with the barrel, at the time of departure, and block the clutch with the hand.
However, without exaggerating with the pressure, so that "closing" suddenly the coil could lead to unwanted slamates.
So what to choose? We recommend, To those who are at the beginning, to try a reel with bitrunner to become familiar with the departures of the carp.
Also because it is presumed that the first fishing take place in the quarry or in any case in water with limited dimensions, where the lines are not necessary to drop with a boat.

Big pit and big coils
We have already said that many carpists have started to use surf casting reels instead of the "classic" reels with bitrunner.
The "fault" of all this is it Carp Fishing development in large European lakes (the so -called "continental" carp fishing), in which the lines come down with the boat long distances from the shore.
The reels with bitrunner, however large, did not have sufficient capacity of thread: in fact, the new European carpists were needed to contain at least 400 meters of 0.35, if not more ... this is where the "fashion" was born to use big Seaside reels also in fresh water.
The fact that they were heavy did not affect much, in a technique where the line is resting on a support.
From here a consequence that touched the Fishing From Riva: With larger coils the launches are longer, because the thread, leaving, is more harmonious and makes wider spire.
That's why, today, the Carp Fishing reel is not just the one with the Bitrunner.
And even, they were created reels equipped with both big pit coil both of Biitrunner clutch: combine the convenience of the free clutch to the great capacity of thread and large coil.

Generally Carp Fishing reels are included in a range of sizes that goes from the 8000 (reel considered "small") to 14000 (very large reel, with great waters).
In recent years, some trends have developed that want the use of very small reels, including 4000 and 5000 size, to be applied on rods dedicated to Fishing so -called "stalking", or with continuous movements in search of fish, or for the Fishing To the surface.
The material of the coil
It is important to take into consideration the material of which the coil is made especially in one case: If we decide to load the braid on the reel.
The braid, in fact, is a type of thread that "Strozza" a lot of the coil, and for this reason it is necessary that this is very resistant, therefore in metal.
The Bobins in graphite Today on the market they are solid but, especially in the case of reels dedicated to Fishing at very long distances, I'm not ideal Because they risk deforming under the "choke" of the braid.
So, if we know we know that we will use the braid, orient ourselves on reels with metal coil.

Recovery report
In Carp Fishing the recovery report it does not have much importance. Generally, Carp Fishing reels are located In the range between 5: 1 and 6: 1.
There is only one type of reel that requires a very fast recovery relationship: the one we will dedicate to the rod from dirt.
Today there are on the market special reels, defined precisely "Spod", which are equipped with a Much faster recovery report, and they are able, therefore, to recover much more thread with a single lap of crank (some models reach 110 centimeters for the crank lap, when the average of a big pit from Carp Fishing is located around 90).
The high speed in recovery is necessary in a dirt reel because we will use it to pasture with rocket and spomb: Especially in the race, quickly recover the pasturer It helps us to download a lot more pasture.
Practical examples
To make the choice easier, we make some practical examples. Those who are about to buy a reel can be recognized in some of these profiles:
"I just started doing carp fishing and I will fish especially in quarries or in small rivers to make me bones" - Especially at the beginning, it is important to become familiar not only with the equipment, but above all with fish. The carp is a powerful fish, whose escapes are often powerful and can put those who have never had to deal with difficulty. The bitrunner is an accessory that helps us to face these situations and "forgives" some distraction (because, in the event of too closed clutch, in the best case we lose the fish, while in the worst the barrel could end up in the water). From the point of view of the size, an 8000 or 10000 are more than good.
"I have been in Carp Fishing for a while, so far I have frequented only the quarries but every now and then I would like to make some episodes in large lakes" - The advice we give, in this case, is twofold: we can choose a Baitrunner reel with big pit coil (in sizes 10000 and 12000) or move on to a reel with fast clutch without bitrunner. It is the classic situation of those who started perhaps with a Bitrunner reel and want "something more" to face the great waters.
"I don't peeled from the boat, only from the shore, but I need to launch to very long distances and every now and then I would like to do some race" - In this case the most performing reels are those of surf casting, which are adapted to Carp Fishing. Large coil and perfect padding: this is the secret for those who want relays expressly dedicated to launch. With or without Batrunner, it depends on tastes. However, remember that, with the same size, a lighter reel makes us make more in the launch. The biitrunner, therefore, could be superfluous.
"I am an Angler with great waters, I only have to drop the lines with the boat" - You need a reel that contains so much thread. At least 500 meters of 0.35. In addition, it must be reliable from a mechanical point of view. Oriented on the larger models (sizes 10000-12000-14000) with metal coils. The biitrunner, for the type of Fishing What are you doing, it is not essential.
As for the rods, also in the choice of the reel The experience and personal taste count a lot. There are carpists who consider biitrunner useless, others who consider it indispensable: from a technological point of view, the models on the market have reached today reliability such as to cover the needs of all carpists, also of those who want biitrunner on large and very powerful reels.
That of the reel is one choice linked to the habits of Fishing And to the needs, which change with the experience: for this reason, we cannot pretend that it is immediately "definitive".
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