We fishermen, you know, We are not all the same. And there is not only talk of different passions, that is, those who practice spinning, Carp Fishing, or the Fishing in Moscow.
Materially, we are physically different: we simply think about the favorite hand, there is who is right and who is left -handed.
In the purchase phase of the reel This element is very important. In fact, the fact that the crankof the reel both on the right or left is crucial to "work" well with the tools.
In general, in the European market, all reels for sale are provided with the Crank to the left, then for fishermen who hold the barrel with the right. In short, it is taken for granted that we are all right.
In the United States, however, where the casting reels are the masters, the cranks are 99% percent mounted on the right and it is not uncommon to see many fishermen move the barrel to the right hand to launch, and then move it to the left for recover. The "pros" in events such as the Bassmaster Classic do it.
This type of particular is very "felt" even by fishermen in Moscow. Just like fixed drum reels and casting reels, Moscow reels also have a crank and a "sense" of rotation.
Despite being less decisive with a view to equipment compared to other techniques of Fishing, Moscow reels also have theneed to be reversed, right or left depending on the need of the Moscanian.
In this guide we will discoverHow to reverse a Moscow reel, helping us with a series ofphotovery clear.
For these photos we used a Airflo Moscow reel: in general, the structure of the Moscow reels is very similar, therefore The illustrated procedure is applicable to 90% of the reels on the market. To change is generally only the presence (or not, as in the case of this Airflo reel) of a metal clothespin that keeps the bush of the central movement fixed.
So let's start with All the steps illustrating the methodology to reverse a Moscow reel in complete safety and speed.
Step 1
The first thing to do is unscrew the blockwhich is located on the side of the crank. In this way we can divide the two cheeks of the reel. In some reels there is no screw but clip system.

Passage 2
We separate the two cheeksof the Moscow reel keeping the cheek with one hand that houses the foot while with the other we parade the rotor that houses the crank.

Step 3
Here are the Two separate cheeks. On the left the cheek that houses the foot of the reel (materially, the protrusion that allows us to fix it to the barrel), on the right therotor, that we have turned on the contrary.

Step 4
In the central part of the rotor there is a nut protected by a screw that acts as a block. At this point we have to do nothing but unscrew the block.

Passage 5
Once the block is unscrewed, we discover the presence of a central threaded nut, which is what gives the "sense" of the reel to the reel. Since the reels are generally well -fat and oiled, it may be necessary to use gloves in order not to get dirty.

Passage 6
With two fingers, or helping us with a tool (twin) if the nut is stuck, we remove note the central nut from the headquarters.

Step 7
At this point the passage is very simple: enough turn the nut, in a sort of movement forehead. The two parts, as you will notice from the photos, are slightly different.

Passage 8
We put the nut again inside its headquarters, paying attention to inserting it in the opposite direction. If we want, we can further fatten the nut.

Step 9
Now we have to close the reel again. The first step to do is reapply the block on the nut, screwing it again.

Step 10
Now we have to bring together the two cheeky cheeks. We don't have to reversic them or turn them. Simply, they must be brought closer as they were at the beginning, when the reel was not reversed.

Step 11
Et voilà, the game is done. We reapply the screw block on the reel to close it again. It is now ready to be applied to the barrel "on the contrary". In fact, by turning the crank, we will realize that The sense of rotation has changed, and will therefore be suitable to be mounted on the Moscow rod with the crank on the right.