12 or 13 feet? 3 pounds or 3.5? Two pieces or three pieces? The requests, for those who approach Carp Fishing and want to buy the first rod, there are many.
In this guide to choosing the Carp Fishing rod We will see some simple parameters to not make mistakes.
The choice of the right carp fishing rod essentially depends on a factor: the environment (the waters) in which we fish.
Height and height of the fisherman They also have influence in the purchase of the barrel (we talk about it in a special paragraph), but the environment we attend, therefore the type of carp fishing that we put into practice, has much more importance: we will realize how much, in the same lake, quarry or river, we will be able to face all situations without ever doubting of our tool.
In particular, they are Three basic elements, in relation to the environment, which contribute to the final choice: we will see them one by one, giving some indications and making several practical examples so that you can choose between the wide assortment of carp fishing rods.

12 or 13 feet?
Taking a look at the market, you immediately realize that the modern rods Fishing to the carp they have essentially two measures: 12 feet, which corresponds to 3.6 meters, e 13 feet, which corresponds to 3.9 meters.
Wanting to give a general indication, the 12 feet rods are the so -called allrundThat is, they allow the fisherman to fully exploit the tool in every environment (regardless of height and weight, which we will talk about later).
The 13 feetOn the contrary, they are generally considered rods "launching", Suitable for fairly high fishermen (above the meter and eighty).
In recent years the market has then developed rods of other lengths, for specific uses.
Among these, very widespread is the classic "middle ground", or 12.6 feet (3.75 meters), which is the favorite choice of those who want "allroound" tools but who also know how to give us something more in the launch.
Finally, then there are the so -called "short rods”: 11, 10 and 9 feet (respectively 3.3, 3 and 2.7 meters) which, depending on the model, are perfect for being used by the boat (A rod of only three meters is more manageable, on a boat, compared to a rod of almost four) or in the Fishing "A stalking", that is, with rapid movements in pursuit of fish.
They are therefore reeds with a reduced dimensions, light and easy to handle, suitable for rapid movements even in narrow places.
Pounds, not grams
Unlike the other rods from Fishing, for example those from Fishing at sea or spinning, the power of the rods it is not expressed according to the maximum weight that these can launch but Based on the so -called "packed".
The data is measured in this way: by placing the barrel horizontally, parallel to the ground, an increasing weight (in the pound) applies until, between the barrel stem and Cimino, a 90 ° corner is created.
Generally Carp Fishing rods They range from a minimum of 1.75 pounds to a maximum of 5.5.
This means, for example, that a two -pound rod needs a ballast of 907 grams (453.5 grams, or one pound, multiplied by two) to bend at 90 °.
The packed More used are 3, 3.25 and 3.5 pounds. But be careful: the packed gives only a maximum indication of the power in the launch. Rather, it represents the power that the barrel has in recovery.
Of course, 3.5 pound rods can launch leads heavier than 2.75 those, but it is true that, among the 3.5 pound rods, there may also be differences of 20 grams between the maximum weight launched. Because here the action comes into play, which we will see in the next paragraph.
To conclude the theme of the pound of the barrel we make a small scheme Which represents, on average, the weight range that the rods with the most common pipeline can launch.
- 2.5 pounds 60- 80 grams
- 3 pounds 90-110 grams
- 3.5 pounds 110-140 grams
- 5 pounds 170-250 grams

Having said that, every pound has its own use, that we summarize like this:
- Pipes from 1.5 to 2.5 pounds: they are tools for Fishing "Light", in small environments and at court distances, without the use of heavy ballast. At the same time they are very "fun" rods, because they allow you to feel more the outbursts of the fish. Some versions of these rods are made especially for the Fishing to the surface and they are much softer and parabolic (we will see in a few lines what it means) than those, of equal packed, born for the Fishing thoroughly;
- 2.75 pound rods: classic tools from Fishing in the quarry at medium-short distances. They are the favorite by those who love to "feel" all the power of the carp to the same;
- 3 pound rods: in one word, "allround". The 3 pounds allow us to fish even long distance and are not very hard "poles" that make us lose emotions in combat;
- 3.25 and 3.50 pound rods: are the favorites by those who want to fish at long distances (because they are more "hard" and more powerful) but also for those who need to force the carp during combat, for example when there is a risk that you get into obstacles submerged. They are also the right tools for the Fishing with the Sacchetti di Pva to medium-long distances. They pay something, of course, in the moment of combat: they are less "fun" reeds than the 3 pounds;
- 3.75 - 4.5 pound rods: extreme tools, made especially for the Fishing In places rich in obstacles in which the "pulls and spring" with fish is very violent. Or, they are used to fish with large bags of PVA, even 2 etctive heavy, with great distances from the shore;
- 5 -pound rods up: are the so -called "dirty rods", created especially to launch the pasture with the rockets and the spombs (launch bait). These are very hard reeds, which can also get to launch 250 grams ballast. Their specific use is that of baiting, generally they do not have an action suitable for combat also because they are very tough and not very sensitive in the fold.
At this point, we come to the third fundamental element in choosing the barrel: theaction, which we treat in the next paragraph.

Parabolic, progressive or top
The title is clear enough: generally Carp Fishing rods have one of these three types of action.
The parabolic rods, as the name says, suffer a homogeneous arc: that is, when they enter into traction for the fish newspapers, they all bend, up to the handle.
The progressive, on the other hand, have an action similar to the parabolic but are much more rigid in the handle. We see them bending in a fairly "soft" way until the junction between the two pieces of the rod, and then stiffen towards the reel.
If the parabolic are considered rods with "ancient" action, the progressive are the most common and modern.
The more extreme, on the other hand, are those ad top action.
These are tools made on purpose To launch to great distances And they recognize themselves immediately because it is only the tip to bend quickly, while the rest of the tool is rigid and gives a very accentuated feeling of power.
These last rods are also called fast, or we find them under the abbreviation of "LD, Long Distance": Once whipped to simulate the launch, we will realize that they will vibrate very little and return to the starting position in a few seconds.
The parabolic, on the other hand, are considered "soft", because they vibrate much longer before returning to position.
Schematically, let's summarize Which fishermen "combine" the various actions.
- Parabolic: suitable for those who think about having fun, are the so -called "playing" rods, that is, soft and sensitive, made on purpose to enjoy the fight even with the smallest carp. They are not suitable for extreme uses or in situations where we are obliged to launch long distances;
- Progressive: also known as parabolic-prorogressive, they are the allrund reeds par excellence because they are at the same time fun and existing in the launch;
- Peak: are the rods suitable for whom Fishing In extreme conditions, especially for the long distances to be reached with your feet on the shore. Of course they require good launch qualities, otherwise their performance is not fully exploited.
Before concluding, a small clarification is needed: the rods parabolic and progressive "forgive" the errors more of fishermen compared to peak ones.
Thanks to their elasticity and delicate action, in fact, they are able to repair the fisherman's distraction errors, such as the too closed clutch, the position of the wrong rod, or the use of the braid on the reel.
For this reason, they are ideal for fishermen who recently approached Carp Fishing.
The choice of the barrel can therefore be made on the basis of these three characteristics fundamental. We add others, which we can define "Accessories", and which concern the rings in particular.

Rings material
Since Carp Fishing are often used braid wires, it is necessary that our rod is equipped with rings capable of resisting the rubbing of the wire on them.
The braids, unlike monofiles, are not smooth and behave like "saws", rubbing on the rings. They warm them and cut them: That's why poor quality rings are to be avoided.
Our Montino rods must be rings capable of dispersing heat caused by the rubbing of braids: the most popular material in this regard is the silicon carbide (sic).

Double or single bridge
The first carp fishing rods mounted single bridge rings, today almost all tools have those double bridge.
The former influence less on the action of the barrel, because they rest on a single pivot and do not "break" the action of the stem.
The double bridge ones are of course more solid, they resist wear but they stiffen the stem.
That of the single bridge is a choice that few carpists make (and on the market there are very few carp fishing rods with single bridge rings).
50mm ring, yes or not?
Debated theme: the first 50mm ring (so to speak the first after the reel going towards the tip) makes you launch further?
The answer is Yes, but only with two conditions: that the action of the barrel is suitable for launch and that the combined reel has a large coil and a perfect padding.
The 50mm rings were born to respond to anneed: Since Big Pit reels are increasingly widespread in Carp Fishing (those with large and large coil, "stolen" to surf casting), rings were needed that they minimized the friction of the thread of the wire on them.

In fact, a large coil corresponds to large spira: that's why, through a 50mm ring the wire passes better, simply because it does not "choke" it as a normal ring of 35 or 40 millimeters would make it.
But be careful: the 50mm ring helps but it is not fundamental. Long launches depend more on the goodness of the raw and the quality of the pitcher than on the diameter of the rings.
Before talking about practical cases, let's focus on the physical characteristics of the fisherman, because these can also influence the choice of a rod.
With a premise: the physical characteristics come into play when we talk about "advanced" Carp Fishing, that is, fishermen with a certain type of experience and with very clear ideas on the tool they need.
Tall and low
It is not a fundamental rule but, in general, "Long" rods like the 13 feet are not recommended for lower fishermen than 1.75 meters.
The reason lies in the ballistic. A launch is all the longer as wider the arch that performs the lead in its flight to water. And this arch is all the wider as the drop is, that is, the piece of line that is between the tip of the barrel and the ballast.
In a normal launch above the head with suspended lead, in order to keep a long drop (generally stopping the lead at the height of the junction between the two pieces of the barrel) a fisherman is more advantaged if he is high Because, lengthening the arms, the barrel will be higher than the ground.
A fisherman one meter and sixty tall will be in difficulty in keeping the drop so long because the lead will touch the ground at the time of the push, frustrating the loading of the barrel.
A lower fisherman should shorten the drop, with the consequence of reducing the amplitude of the arch, then reducing the maximum reachable distance.
So if we wanted to follow this "rule", we should say so: 13 feet rods are fine for fishermen from the meter and 75 per meter and 80 upwards. For the most "little ones", better 12 feet tools.

Heavy and light
Many believe that the long throw depends on the power of the arms, but it is not true: To do everything, or almost, it is our weight.
If we are able to move the weight correctly, we will load the rod in the right way and launch further away.
That's why There are 70 kilos fishermen who launch further away of 100 energumens: everything is in the technique and in the ability to load the barrel with our weight by moving forward.
In choosing a rod, especially if we want to use it 100 percent, the weight plays a fundamental role. In fact, if we weigh 60 kilos it will be much more difficult to load a 3.5 pound rod than a 2.75-3 one, especially if we do not have a great experience of launching with carp fishing rods behind them.
At the same time, we weigh 90 or 100, a 3 pound rod will be undersized to our potential.
Also in this case, however, Let's talk about "advanced" situations, or fishermen with experience capable of perfectly control your movements launch and with specific needs to reach out of average distances.
But the rule is this: The more "light" we are, the more the packed of the rod must be contained.

At the end of this long technical explanation, we provide you with some practical examples to choose a carp fishing rod:
"I am a neophyte and I have to buy my first carp fishing rod" - The advice we give you is to buy a 12 -foot barrel with 3 pound power. It guarantees you that you can face most of the situations. From the quarries, where we presume that the carpists are bones, to the large lakes, where a little more power is needed. As a action, choose a parabolic or a progressive: they allow you to have more confidence in combat with carp, therefore to learn more quickly their behaviors beyond the line.
"I mostly frequent small and quarries and pees from the shore" - In this case you need an allrund rod. A 12 feet, 3 pounds, parabolic-planning is the one for you. If you want to have more fun with fish in the barrel you can also buy a 2.75 pounds: of course you will be slightly limited in the maximum ballast that you can launch;
"I only peach in large lakes, and drop the lines with the boat" - You need a powerful tool, to ferry fish at great distances, but with an action not too hard, so a progressive is what you need. A 13 feet from 3.25 pounds, or even from 3.5 it should be more than good. It also evaluates the hypothesis of buying a 10 -foot rod of 3 or 3.5 pounds: on the boat it is very handy and allows total control of the prey;
"I always peach in the launch, in medium-large waters, and I am forced to launch to great distances" - I need a powerful, rapid rod, able to transform any randy -implication into the meters into meters. You need a tool with Fast Action, peak, which can also launch 130 gram pioms. A 2.5 13 -foot pounds is the one for you.
"Pesco both in the quarry and in the lake, but I want to have fun and feel every capture, without being too limited in the range" - A parabolic 3 pounds could be ideal, but also evaluates the hypothesis of a 2.75 pound, always parabolic and 12 feet long. It is a handy tool that allows you to launch even at 70-75 meters.
"My favorite environment is the river, I pees in the strong current and also in the lanche" - The type of feature necessary in this case is one: the power. That's why we recommend a barrel of at least 3.5 pounds. As for the length, our advice is to remain on 13 feet, because often the sub -river is full of boulders and submerged obstacles: a longer (and progressive) rod helps us to better manage the prey in the last stages of combat , protect us from the slamate.
"There Fishing Static is not for me. I like to look for carp and catch them with refined approaches and I always like to be moving " - You need a light, handy and quick rod. The power goes into the background because presumably you will fish the carp a few meters from the shore, looking for them on sight, or afloat. We recommend an 11 or 10 feet rod, of limited power, then between 2 and 2.5 pounds.
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