Bermuda Donna Carissa Tascato
THE Bermuda to Donna Carissa Tascato They belong to the new line of the Timezone brand and are perfect in multiple circumstances of everyday life thanks to their versatility.
Equipped with Numerous pockets, the women's Bermuda Timezone Carissa Tascato will wrap you gently, pampering you and offering you a unparalleled comforts. The Burmuda as a woman Carissa Tascato Timezone do not tighten, do not fuck and do not involve any kind of annoyance to the wearer, allowing to preserve theabsolute freedom of movement.
Give yourself the pleasure of wearing a garment guarantee of style and quality, choose the products signed Timezone!
Cod: A_11931_100026
Art: 15-0172-4125
EAN: 2600000434058