Welcome to the section Basketball of the Sportit.com website: here you can find all the products to practice the basket ball both in the gym and outdoor, in urban pitches.
To practice the sport invented by Naismith in early 900, a tank top, a pair of shorts, comfortable shoes and a balloon are needed. Here on Sportit you can find Everything you need to play basketball. For example, Basketball balloons of the big brands Spalding And Molten, uniform and clothing of brands like Jordan, Nike, Adidas And Champion(which is also the technical sponsor of the Italian basketball national team), and of course the basketball shoes. Among the most famous brands,Nike, with shoes of great champions like Kobe Bryant, Under Armour, more and more present on international fields, Adidas, with his thick testimonials such as Derrick Rose, Damian Lillard and John Wall, and of course Air Jordan, a name, a guarantee. On Sportit you can also find Basketball accessories such as blackboards, cuffs, ankles and knees products, as well as obviously to products for fans such asF Elpe of the NBA teams and i minicanestri to hang at home.
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